▍皆由純淨植物油及植物精油等天然質材所製成,手工皂化為泡沫後自然分解,不帶給環境負擔。 適合任何膚質。
重量: 170g (+/-10g)
產地: 台灣
1. 每顆皂產品具有獨一無二的外觀,可能會因個人電腦螢幕差異、照片拍攝關係造成色差,照片僅供參考,請以實際商品為準。
2. 存放地點請遠離高溫潮濕及日光直射的環境。
3. 禁止用於食品。
4. 請放置於兒童取不到之處,以避免誤食。
5. 避免直接接觸眼睛,一旦接觸,請立即以大量清水沖洗。
6. 本產品屬私人消耗性商品,不適用鑑賞期,一經拆封使用,恕不接受退換貨。
7. 使用時如有任何不適,請立即停止使用,並請教醫師。
8. 拆封後建議一年內使用完畢
9. 未經同意請勿擅自使用商品圖作商業用途,避免觸法受罰。
▍FUNIKISKY Rose Handmade Essential oil Soap
Rose essential oil can help balance, reduce blemishes and promote a healthy, even skin tone. The pleasant scent of rose has both layers and profound sweet charm. The aroma can make the body and mind present the most comfortable state through the sense of smell, maintain skin elasticity, converge pores, nourish and brighten, make the whole space full of love and warmth in the bath, make people feel happy, comfortable and comfortable. After the bath, the body emits light Charming fragrance of roses.
▍FUNIKISKY essential oil soap features
All FUNIKISKY handmade soap is moisturizing and foamy, Ingredient of sweet almond oil can improve rough skin and antioxidant effect, long-term using can make your the skin young and health.
It's made of natural vegetable oil, plant essential oil and other natural materials. It is naturally saponified into the foam and the decomposed natural without burdening the environment.
Ingredient: Coconut oil , Castor oil , Palm Kernel oil , Extra virgin olive oil , Sweet Alomond oil , Sodium oxidanida , purified water , Rose Essential oil.
EXP: 3 years
NET: 170g (+/-10g)
Made in Taiwan